Public API special

This page about special Public API REST endpoints for coloborate with some services. Official Public API are available as RESTful service located at and as WebSocket Json/Rpc Server located at wss:// You can find official public API documentation here.

Current version & status: 0.12.x in public beta test. All features from this ENDPOINTS are moved to CryptoCompare v 1.1 LTS (Long Term Support).


specialGetMarketSummaries - no params.

Get the last 24 hour summary of all active markets.

specialProducts - no params.

Get all markets titles.

specialGetTrades required param: pair - marketTitle from specialProducts. Optional params: int fromId = 0, limit = 100.

Return historical trades executed. Trades returned in ascending order. Option available to query historical trades based on tradeID, default is to return latest 100 trades.